Borneo - Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary

17th - 18th April

We ventured to the Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary to get a better look at the orangutans, even if they were not exactly wild. The sanctuary is supposedly one of the best places in the world for orangutans and was set up to look after sick, injured or orphaned animals. The animals are kept in a semi-wild environment but are fed twice a day. The sanctuary aims to rehabilitate the animals, teach the orphans the skills they need to survive and then release them back into the wild.

The flight from one side of Borneo to the other was mostly over palm oil plantations and it showed us how much of the orangutan's natural habitat has been destroyed. Decades ago, the native forest was cut down to make way for a series of cash crops, the most recent being palm oil plantations. We were told that the illegal logging was now under control in most areas but it was still shocking to see such destruction and showed why that the orangutans, along with many other animals, are critically endangered.

The morning session - huddling from the rain

We watched the organtans for both of the feeding sessions and they made for compulsive viewing. In the morning it poured down and even the animals seemed depressed but in the afternoon, it was glorious and we both loved it. They were also great to photograph, so obviously I was happy - they even seemed to pose for the camera.

Mother and baby feeding on sugar cane

Not sure if I'm going to make it!!

A little peck on the cheek
After the orangutans had disappeared, a large group of pig tailed macaque monkeys appeared to feed on the leftovers. They were quite territorial, aggressive and did not seem to like the humans that opted to linger after the organgutans had left. Catherine and I had the fright of our lives when one of the adult males chased up the steps after us and gave us an aggressive flash of his teeth

Young pig tailed macaques learning their trade!

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Travels so far
Borneo - The Borneo Rainforest Lodge
Drunk in Laos
Thailand - Part 1
Sri Lanka